The experiment shown in Figure 1-4 in the previous article on [Social Phenomena Overlaying Thermodynamics (8)] concretely represents Expression 1.
The experiment expresses the three elements (1) to (3) of Expression 1 as follows.
(1) The term "inertial system" is expressed by the experiment as follows;
Stationary a sees vehicle b moving to the right in linear motion at speed V.
a and b are in an inertial system relationship.
(2) The term "measuring the speed of light" is expressed in the following way in the experiment.
Light is emitted from b. a, which is stationary outside b, measures the speed of the light.
Suppose that the light reaches the sensor after the time Ta measured by a.
The same fact is observed by vehicle b.
b measures the time the light reached the sensor as Tb. b measures the distance travelled by the light as Lb = CbTb.
a measures the distance travelled by the light as La = CaTa.
(3) The term “same velocity”,that is truth, is expressed by the experiment as follows;
Ca = Cb
Using the above three elements of the experimental expression, the whole experiment is further represented in a transformable expression. The experiment diagram is erased and a transformable expression is obtained instead.
Social Phenomena Overlaying Thermodynamics (9)
Nov 14, 2024
Content of This Article
Example 4 of the relationship between truth and expression
Expression 1 transforming
The transformable equation from the previous experiment in Equation 1 (reprinted below) can be further rewritten and converted.
The distances travelled by the light, La and Lb, and the distance travelled by the vehicle b, VTa, form a right-angle triangle. The fact that it is a right-angled triangle is expressed by the Pythagorean theorem learned in secondary school. Expression 1 is transformed into the following expression.
La2=(VTa)2 + Lb2
The expressions (1) and (2) were transformed as above by the experiment.
Expression(3) is still retained.
(3) Ca=Cb

[Reposted from the previous article]
Expression 1 of truth
(concrete expression form mixed with supplement sentences)
Expression 2 describe experiments (1), (2) and (3) in transformable expressions without excesses or deficiencies. Expression 2 is equivalent to the whole experiment.
Suppose a and b measure the velocity of light.
The velocity is the same.
This expression is expressed as
Substituting this condition yields expression 3.
[ Author : Y. F. ]