For example, if V/C is 0.19, then Tb = 0.9Ta. The time of vehicle b is 0.9 times slower than the clock of person a who is watching it (special theory of relativity: time delay).
Each of the expressions 1-6 presented in Social Phenomena Overlaying Thermodynamics (8), (9), and throughout this article is the expression of the truth.
The above is part of Special Theory of Relativity, which I have taken as an example because of the simplicity of the truth-expression explanation. The Special Theory of Relativity was conceived by Dr. Einstein.
Truth is expressed by words, that is, the velocity of light is the same for everyone. This expression of truth is confusing. It is composed of words that we use every day, so when we hear the word ‘velocity’ we take it simply and don’t have any question. The velocity of light expresses the relationship between the distance travelled in space and the time taken to travel. To know velocity, we forget that we need to measure spatial distance and time.
Time is also an everyday language that we know, so we are under the illusion that there is an absolute flow of time.
Once we realize that truth must involve the measurement of spatial distance and time light traveled, we are not lost, and we knew that the above experiment itself expresses the truth. The special theory of relativity derived by Dr. Einstein was also produced by using relationship of truth and its expressions.
However, the theory is difficult to understand. Then, there are many books that explain this theory in an easy-to-understand way. As an example of these books in Japanese that explain the theory in an easy-to-understand way, even for people without scientific background, I have found a book on Einstein's theory of relativity :
The Theory of Relativity,
Written by Ibuki Fukasawa and supervised by Takahiko Matsubara,
Asahi Shimbun Publications, 2021.
According to certain books written about Dr. Einstein, his grades were not so good during his junior and high school years. He was rather poor at subjects requiring good memory. He, however, had always achieved good result in mathematics and physics. He was truly gifted. There must be many people, including myself, who worry that they are not good at memorizing things. I am encouraged to know that even the gifted person like Einstein had such weakness.
[ Author : Y. F. ]
Social Phenomena Overlaying Thermodynamics (10)
Nov 14, 2024
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